Holistic Wellness and Beyond
Healing from the inside out
Integrative Therapy
Living Life in Harmony and Balance
This bodywork is a profound, nurturing, and gentle modality that can support you in releasing energy patterns and blockages that are unknowingly created throughout your life. Negative or traumatic experiences, everyday stress, suppressed feelings, fear, anger, grief, and resentment can limit and disrupt the natural flow of energy in our bodies, creating blockages that can cause exhaustion, a feeling of unrest, agitation, or dis-harmony. What happens on the inside will eventually show on the outside.
Integrative Therapy is not a massage. Your session may include acupressure, singing bowls/sound bath, Reiki and Chakra balancing , Rolfing, meridian energy work, color/ light therapy and cranio-sacral just to name a few. Your treatment will bend and morph though the entire session as your body’s blockages release. Gentle but effective fascial manipulations and acupressure are used on the head, neck, shoulders, face, hands, and feet stimulating the meridians, lymphatic fluids, and blood flow. Sessions will include verbal participation during the initial 15 mins to help design the right path for your treatment and will include an overview of findings and suggestions for ongoing well-being.
Integrative Therapy 90 min $180
May Special: $15 Off Your 1st Session